Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Role of Women throughout History - 1282 Words

Based on the Holy Bible, life began with ‘’Adam’’ and ‘’Eve’’ then carried headlong, as ‘’Eve’’ gave birth followed by other women giving birth. Women are the most important amongst any in the world, without women, life would simply not exist. However, people in some countries seem to not realize that and do not appreciate their existence. India’s ratio is approximately nine hundred and twenty nine females for every one thousand males. Australia’s ratio of male and female is 1.055, which means there are nine hundred and forty eight females for every one thousand males (CIA World Factbook, 2011). India and Australia are countries with remarkable differences, not in just population number and sanitation but also in the role of women and how they are treated. Women in India, have to serve the father as a daughter, husband as a wife and eventually the children as a mother. Women are not liberated to live their own life as per their desires; they are bound to follow a strict path. India is now changing, after the independence women are given equal rights in all matters but up till now there are certain states where they are not enjoying equal rights like men. There are numerous factors responsible for that, customs and traditions, which are prevalent in the Indian society for centuries; illiteracy among women is another reason for the backwardness of women in Indian society. Indian society is generally considered to be a male dominant society so uncheck male domination isShow MoreRelatedThe Role of Women Throughout History642 Words   |  3 PagesThe Role of Women Throughout History Summary:  How womens roles have changed from the past to the  present. Women`s role No matter how the world changes, no matter what country and social system people live, no one can deny womens importance in history. But it doesnt mean that women are always treated well and fairly, and the women role in history was changed in each period, too. 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