Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis Of Adaptation Of The Military - 1111 Words

Adaptation in the military, especially during wartime, is a known need. The adage â€Å"no plan survives first contact† was not created because it sounds cool. It is an ominous warning that at some point while executing your plan, you will be faced with unanticipated and unplanned for situations to which you will have to adapt. Adaptation is a skill that must be attained, yet is very difficult to learn and even more difficult to achieve effectively. Every military organization, regardless of nationality, location, posture, etc., will be required to adapt and their ability to do so effectively may very well decide their success. Adaptation, by its very definition, requires something to change, to be altered or presented in another form. In order to have change, you must have something to change â€Å"from†, a normalcy, a standard or regular pattern, or as the military calls it, a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP’s). Tactically speaking, the use of SOP’s in the development of military organizations is what permits these organizations to develop an effective fighting force. The more knowledgeable and proficient an organization is of executing their SOP’s, the more tactically proficient they become. Through constant and persistent training in a benign environment, each person of the organization learns and understands their roles and responsibilities within the organization. Continued training leads to continued improvement and ultimately to mastery of theirShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The United States And Agriculture1301 Words   |  6 Pages Security The essential element needed for crops is water; used in agricultural development to flood the land and prep the soil. Water usage is an ongoing process for the United States Department of Agriculture Services and the future adaptation in climate change. 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