Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The affects of children raised by homosexual parents Research Paper

The affects of children raised by homosexual parents - Research Paper Example This is because many cultures do not view the homosexual lifestyle as ethical and thus feel that children who are adopted by homosexual parents are likely to be subjected to abuses of different kinds. The principle argument against gay parenting is focused on the assertion that marriage is principally a dual-gendered institution which has the ability to naturally procreate. Marriage is the sole institution that is tasked with producing human capital for the coming generations. Same-sex parents cannot naturally produce children. This is an obvious indication; according to many opponents of gay parenting those children who are adopted by same sex parents are likely to suffer emotionally and physically, in some cases. This will happen because gay parents do not have the skills necessary to bring up well adjusted children who will benefit humankind. Statistics According to Regnerus (2012) more same sex couples are able to adopt children today than was the case in the past Owing to the ra tification of laws, mainly in developed nations, which recognize the rights of same sex parents. In America alone, it is estimated that 65, 500 children have been adopted into same sex unions. California has the largest number of same sex couples (16, 000) who have adopted children. According to Brodzinsky and Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute (2011) foreign born adopted children are more likely to end up in same sex unions than American children. The Development of Children raised by Homosexual Parents Identity There are many studies that have been conducted on the issues and concerns that face children who are raised by homosexual parents. From these studies, it is evident that the most important factor has to do with identity. According to Wainright, Russell and Patterson (2004) children raised by homosexual parents, particularly if they were adopted and not the result of artificial insemination, tend to have more emotional challenges than those raised by heterosexual parents. While there are larger percentages of emotional disturbances among people with homosexual lifestyles, and this inadvertently affects any children they adopt, the main cause of turmoil in their children is likely to be Owing to identity issues, according to (Wainright, Russell and Patterson, 2004). Any adopted child requires a family with a mother and father more than children who were not adopted. The child will innately desire to identify with an institution that basically reflects the two people that gave him or her life. Being adopted by homosexual parents can result in more trauma other than that of abandonment because the child also has to deal with the incident of being in a family that is unlike that of his original parents. As far as the child can see, he or she has no has no biological chain. An adopted child already suffers from the wound of abandonment. Being put in a home with homosexual parents adds the responsibility of the child being forced to adapt to the affective life style choices of the adoptive parents. Any child who is given to national organizations for adoptive purposes has been separated from his or her primary caregiver- his mother. This, alone, could result in the incidence of attachment disorders. The attachment to a singular maternal individual in the first eight months of life is vital in the psychological development of any human being. Bringing up a

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